I don't often get discouraged at small stuff...like whether or not I can swim, for example. I think that swimming is one of those life skills that seems mostly unimportant except in the rare occasion where you might find yourself drowning in a lake or a river or the ocean...or a KOA kampgroung pool. And then it's important to be able to keep yourself afloat. All other times in life - not a big deal.
My parents had me take swimming lessons several times when I was a young child after the KOA near-drowning incident (short story version - when I was itty bitty, I crept along the side of the pool hand over hand until I unknowingly reached the deep end of the pool. My hands slipped and I began flailing helplessly in the water until my oldest sister spotted me underwater - yeah for goggles! - and came to my rescue. At that point, my parents noticed the commotion, looked up from their newspapers, and heard my saddened cry of 'You let me drown!').
I think I am well over that childhood experience, but I've never quite felt comfortable in the water. I just feel like I can't breath - that's all. No big deal, right? :) Lately, I joined a gym and am trying my hardest to become aquatic Merilee. What's the slowest animal on earth? Put it in water, and that's me. Old women, little child, men who doggie paddle - they all swim faster and easier than me.
But I'm learning to appreciate the challenge. Every day I swim, I tell myself "Never quit, even if you stink at this" and "the reward is who you become, not in what you achieve." I don't believe in the second phrase as much, but it helps me still. Sometimes, I think the lifeguard smiles at me out of pity..."that poor girl, she looks athletic, but she can't swim a lick. I'll have to keep an eye on her in case she starts drowning." Not to worry, Lifeguard. I can't swim, but I've learned how to keep one hand close to the side of the pool...
You can't swim, but you are competing in a tri-a-tholon where you have to swim a mile & a half? When you told us you were competing, I didn't realize you couldn't swim! My goodness.
i love this story. thanks for the smile. =)
i am getting better though, Steph. the challenge is in building my endurance to one day be able to keep swimming no matter how slow I am. if i can drag myself out of that river after a mile and 1/2, then i know i can complete the rest of the triathlon. hope with me. :)
so proud of you for trying new things....skiing in the rockies over spring break a handful of years ago, boxing a handful of months ago, and now swimming....may God continue to use "new things" to make you into a more beautiful picture of Himself...so very proud to know you and to have had the priveldge of living day to day with you for 4 years....much love...so much love.
and by priveldge I mean priveledge....
I enjoyed catching up with you last night. And by the way, I know you can swim a mile and a half. I have faith in your perserverence.
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