Monday, April 19, 2010

shopping trip

Last Christmas, my sister bought shopping carts (buggies, as they say in McDowell County) for her kids. They push them around the basement, collecting odd toys, stray dolls, playdough creations, and other sundry non-food related items. But recently, we decided to give the carts a real run for their money at a grocery store. We loaded all 4 kids and buggies into the suburban and let them lose down the aisles of Bueche's. You can imagine the smiles and stares of fellow shoppers. It was a bit chaotic, but fun (as is usually the case with these kids). And as an added bonus, we managed to make it through the checkout with everything we needed (and only 4 extra packs of gum.) 4 cheers for kids shop fest 2010!

Friday, April 9, 2010

1 minute until Florida

Living with my sister and brother-in-law is kinda a 'win-win.' They get help with their children any time they need, and I get a free trip to Florida with them! (There are other perks for me too, like being with my family, getting to invest time and energy in my nieces and nephew, and enjoying this new season of rest and relationships.) But Florida is nice too. :)

We've been counting down the days until we leave and today was the day before departure. 1 day left. Except that the kids get somewhat lost in tracking time. Anything in the past is 'yesterday.' As in "Merilee, remember when you forgot to to pack my underwear for the YMCA yesterday?" "That was a month ago, but yeah, I remember." :)

Anyway, one of the little girls reminded us today that we have 1 minute until Florida. She meant 1 day. I love her. Florida, here we come!