Wednesday, November 7, 2007

a loitering autumn

The beginning of October is really pretty in West Virginia. The leaves just start to turn, and every once in a while a burst of red maple leaves shout at you as you drive past. By the middle of October, most of the leaves have begun to turn. I would wake up thinking about how beautiful it was outside. By the end of the month, it was everywhere. Orange, red, yellow, brown, in the trees and on the ground. Just incredible.

By now, almost all of the leaves are falling off. Almost. I'm still waiting for these two trees in a neighborhood near me to turn yellow. They're holding on to their green-ness for dear life. but when they die, it'll be an amazing grand finale to my favorite season of all.

I love seeing the change all around me - I love watching this 'death' take place year after year. I love that it means spring will come again.


Leslie said...

I definitely have missed enjoying the colors of all those wonderful trees in the midwest.

Merilee said...

i think living at the bottom of lots of mountains makes me think and write more about trees and leaves and color. I see more mountain than sky. Your old Carolina state is probably very similiar, Les, right? It'll be good for you to get back to the midwest to visit!