I was driving home from a conference/class today and was about 2 hours from nowhere...when I noticed a sign. "Kanawha State Forest" It was brown.
I think I love brown signs. For one, they're not afraid to look ugly. And, what's more important, they point you toward possible unknown adventures. The Federal Highway Administration websites states that brown road signs direct us to areas of public recreation and cultural interest. It could be a snow-mobiling trail or an art gallery...You never know what you'll get with a brown sign.
So, I followed it. 20 miles later, I had driven through a tunnel of orange and yellow leaves, past numerous trails and camping spots, into valleys, alongside a stream or two, and decided that I would come back next summer for the full experience of Kanawha State Forest.
Thank you, inconspicuous little brown sign.
I love little brown signs:)
brown is not ugly. it used to be. no one used to like brown...but now brown is very in style...not ugly!
brown is the new black, right? i'm a sucker for brown signs too...
you guys are funny!
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