For all 6 of you faithful blog readers, here's an update on my ink cartridge situation. i had a nice little chat with 'Bailey' - an HP online technical support person. I think they give all the tech people that name (i've had multiple conversations with 'Bailey'). And there's no way around this dilema - I had to buy new ink cartridges. $122. ouch.
And then, the quality of my printing was poor, so after much problem-solving and cleaning of my own, Bailey told me that my printerheads were expired too. Nice. I could still print, but the quality would remain low until i purchased new printerheads. $100. double ouch.
It had been 4 years since I had received the printer, so I can understand how things like printer heads just get worn out. It's just bad timing. And next time, I'll make sure to use up the ink before it expires. Buyer beware, huh?
thanks for the update...and the post :)
conspiracy theory. i'm just nervous about how i'll print things when i'm not a student anymore!
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