Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ink cartrige scam

So, I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else: your printer stops working suddenly because the ink cartridges have expired. Wait, though...they still have plenty of ink in them! But because there's an expired date on the cartridge that the computer found out about (proof that Dwight Schrute was right and computers are smarter than people), it can no longer print. Ridiculous. I think that HP is running an subtle scam to force scrupulous people who don't use a lot of ink to spend more money on ink supplies.


Melissa/Mel said...

that is absolutely absurd.
clearly HP hates the environment!

Calli Fawcett said...

so what do you do? this has my attention!

E said...

so can you just change the date your computer thinks it is every time you print?