Thursday, July 31, 2008

a deep drink

july 31st...i love the end of months. i like knowing that tomorrow i'll wake up and it will be a completely new signals new things, new schedules perhaps, new friends maybe, and possible new beginnings.

my good friend emily, who has been on staff with me the past three years, moved away this week. she lived across the street. close enough for me to come to her trailer everyday after work, just to catch up on the day. we ate meals together, discussed life together, picked berries together. i was/am sad.

a new good friend, calli, who I had really only met one time previously, came to visit this week. we went running up the mountain trails, played with kids, and ate well together. she encouraged my heart. my heart is full. i feel loved.

i feel like i'm drinking deeply from the faucet of life right now. experiencing what it's like to really be rooted to one place, one ministry, one hometown area. to feel loss when someone moves. to share joy when someone visits. to trust God's heart. to not look too far ahead, but rather look forward to another day.

another new beginning.

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