Friday, November 7, 2008

I just realized that my friend Calli 'tagged' me on her blog...sorry it took so long for me to respond, Calli.

(by the way, I just learned that 'tagging' involves sharing 6 facts and then 'tagging' someone else in blog world. so here goes:)

1) My sister has triplets (Kate, Khloe, and Kelsea). This really isn't news - most of you know this. But what you may not know is that even though they're 2 years old, they change each other's diapers! My sister said that one day Kate walked into the living room after her nap with a clean diaper on. My sister asked her, "Who changed your diaper?" Kate said, "Kelsea." Then my sister watched as Kelsea changed Khloe's diaper too. Way to go, girls!

2) I really like re-runs. And not just of t.v. shows (although I will watch the same Office episode twice in the same week) but also movies or stories or sermons. Pretty much any auditory experience. If it's good, I like hearing it two or three times. I forget things easily, so I rely on repitition to remember. I really enjoy hearing a good story told twice (for real!)

3) I wanted to be a dentist when I was in grade school. My grandpa was a dentist and he was really excited about my plans, so he gave me his full set of fake teeth. Leslie, sorry that my dentist career never blossomed. I know those teeth could have come in handy for you.

4) I've never broken a bone in my body (well, I did crack my finger trying to catch a baseball when I was 9) but I don't really count that. Lots of years playing sports, and a sprained ankle is my worst injury. I'm very thankful.

5) I live in a community where I know adults who go by Boo, a woman called ButterBean, and a guy named Buckshot. For real.

6) I don't usually remember my dreams. But from what I do remember, I often fly. Almost always, actually. The other day I dreamt that I was stuck with a group of people that was taking a tour to India. Everybody else took a plane, but I didn't want to be with the group. I wanted to get there faster so I could do my own tour. So I flew myself (I also remember flying West instead of East to beat the plane.) I woke up before I got there.

There you go...

Amanda and Christian, I tag you. (And I finished painting my house too. Pics are coming.)


Raleigh said...

some fun facts there, my friend. i wish i flew more in my dreams!

christian and amanda said...

ok, challenge accepted, it may take me a few days to get is all together, i'd love to see the house pics. silas asks to go to west virginia to see the train all the time...he still talks about wittle john and meriwee, and all his west virginia comrades.

Calli said...

That is incredible that your neice's can change each others diapers. Haha. Wow.

And you're a pretty strong willed dream flyer!

Great facts, thanks friend.